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Services and resources
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Services and resources from A to Z
3D printing at EspaiCrea
Accessing UB electronic resources
Advice and support in open educational resources (OER)
Advice on the creation of bibliographical references
Advice on the use of plagiarism detection and prevention tools
Advising on educative technology
Bibliographic search service
Cercabib: the CRAI’s discovery tool
Connecting to the Eduroam network
Connecting to UB's Wi-Fi
Consortial Borrowing PUC
Copying documents
Creating teaching materials
Digital certification
Digital copies
Digital press
Herbarium BCN Services
Information about researcher identifiers
Information on the evaluation of scientific production
Interlibrary loan and obtaining documents from around the world
Loan of study rooms, laptops and other equipment
Loans of UB documents
Open Access publishing: funds, agreements, discounts and vouchers
Printing large format materials
Publishing in UB repositories
Reference bibliography
Services for people with specific needs
Support for Virtual Campus
Support in the teaching portfolio tools
Support in the use of reference management tools
Support on copyright, intellectual property and open access
Support on management and publication of scientific journals
Support on research data management
Support on scientific publishing
Support on writing academic papers
UB Authorities
UB CRAI for visiting users
UB Thesaurus (THUB)
University of Barcelona bibliographic and documentary heritage
University of Barcelona online repositories
User support service (SAU)
User training in resources, services and digital competencies