University of Barcelona bibliographic and documentary heritage

Ancient collections

Includes documents from before 1821: manuscripts, incunabula, printed books, engravings and parchments, most of which are deposited in the Rare Book and Manuscript CRAI Library. A notable exception is the ancient collection of law, preserved in the Law CRAI Library.     

UB's collection

It is the local collection of the University of Barcelona and includes all publications of academic, teaching, institutional and research content, produced by the members of this university community.    


Personal, familiar and institutional documentary collections, personal libraries and thematic collections, mostly coming from the donation of documents by people and institutions linked to the University. Particularly noteworthy are the collections deposited in the Pavelló de la República CRAI Library and the cartographic collection, gathered in the different map libraries of the CRAI. 

The digital collections can be consulted in the Biblioteca Patrimonial Digital (BiPaDi) and in the Memòria Digital de Catalunya (MDC). In addition, the CRAI actively collaborates with the Arxiu de Revistes Catalanes Antigues (ARCA).