Advising on educative technology

The Learning and Research Resources Centre (CRAI) has launched the website “Espai del Tàctic”, which provides access to a variety of ICT (information and communication technologies) and LKT (learning and knowledge technologies) tools, a comprehensive range of training tips, and a digital portfolio of teaching materials created by our user support services.

We aim to provide UB users with support for learning, teaching and knowledge transfer and to give them access to the most common tools for these tasks.

The website is divided into various sections:

  • In sections “ICT classification” i “LKT classification” you can consult the descriptions and license information of selected tools and resources, as well as access download links where available.
  • To improve these sections, we are working on tutorials and guides to help teaching staff and students make the best possible use of common teaching and learning tools.
  • In the section “El blog del Tàctic” you can consult training tips for the use and application of different ICT/LKT resources.
  • Users can contact the CRAI Teaching Unit to request personalized training on a specific topic. Sessions will be arranged once enough users have expressed an interest.
  • In the section “ePortafoli” you can consult some of the projects carried out in the CRAI Teaching Unit.

The information in the portal will be updated on a regular basis, and users will be able to evaluate various tools and resources to determine which of them best meet their needs.