Services for people with specific needs

Services for people with specific needs are personalized services that are intended to facilitate access and use of CRAI resources to users with functional or cognitive diversity. On the page of each CRAI library you will find information related to access, mobility and equipment for this group.

The services are aimed at CRAI users in possession of valid identification accrediting their status.

If you have specific requirements, please contact the User support service (SAU).


Services for people with specific needs offered by CRAI:

  • Consultation and access to documents: if necessary, library staff will attend consultations and provide the necessary documents
  • Delegated document loan: users with serious motor problems, mobility difficulties or long hospital stays can delegate to another person to formalize the loan by presenting this authorization form at loans desk
  • The transfer of the use of the card is restricted to the loan of documents from the UB and the PUC (the loan of work rooms, laptops and other equipment is not included)
  • Extended documents loan period: check the conditions in the Loan service regulation (Catalan)
  • Laptop and reading desks reserves
  • Reproduction of documents: in circumstances envisaged in the revised text of the Spanish Intellectual Property Law (article 31 bis): Neither is authorization required for the reproduction, distribution or public communication of works already released when this is done for the benefit of individuals with disabilities provided that such actions are not for commercial gain, bear a direct relation to the disability in question, are carried out according to a procedure or in a medium adapted to the conditions of the disability, and are limited to the specific requirements of these conditions.
  • Customizable accessibility options for the operating systems of CRAI computers
  • Adapted hardware and software: (check the availability on the page of each CRAI library)
  • Virtual Campus teaching materials available in different formats to guarantee their accessibility to all students based on their needs (for more information, contact the Student Service Department)
  • Adapted toilets, elevators, parking or work rooms: (check the availability on the page of each CRAI library)