Support for Virtual Campus

At the CRAI we help you manage and use the Virtual Campus; we also offer workshops of up to four hours on different functions of the Virtual Campus, which are accredited by the IDP/ICE.


The CRAI teaching unit created the portal of the Virtual Campus, in collaboration with ATIC and IDP/ICE staff, where you will find comprehensive information about this teaching platform, the calendar for planned maintenance work, user tutorials and guides, training options, etc. Access the Virtual Campus Portal for further information.


If you have any questions or wish to report a problem, you can contact the teaching support service of your centre at the CRAI library, or the User support service (SAU) through the online form.


If you are interested in receiving training on specific tools or functions of the Virtual Campus, you can submit a request at the teaching support service of your centre, through the Teaching Unit, or through the User support service (SAU).