Open Access publishing: funds, agreements, discounts and vouchers

University of Barcelona funding for Open Access publishing 

This year the Vice-rectorate for Research Promotion makes available to the community of the University of Barcelona a new call for grants to publish in open access scientific journals, framed in the policy for supporting the free dissemination of knowledge. The budget for this call is 120.000 euros.

This call has run out the available funds for 2024 (22nd/November/2024).  

Transformative Agreements 

Research staff at the University of Barcelona can publish in open access in  journals of those publishers with a transformative agreement reached individually or through the CRUE-CSIC alliance.

You can check the conditions of each publisher at:


American Chemical Society

The renewal of the existing state agreement until 2024 signed by the CRUE and the CSIC with the American Chemical Society (ACS) is still under negotiation. Until further notice, reading access is granted, but open access publishing won't be possible without additional cost.

Articles could be opened retrospectively in case of agreement by 2025. 

American Institute of Physics

The University of Barcelona, through the agreement signed by the CSUC with the American Institute of Physics (AIP), has a number of articles for open access publication in journals that offer the hybrid option and open access journals. 

This agreement maintains access to all the journals of this publisher, as before, and, at the same time, also allows the articles published where the corresponding author is from the University of Barcelona are open access without any additional cost. This agreement is in effect until 2025 and the number of covered items will increase each year.

For a publication to be open access, it must be requested when the article is accepted. Then, researchers should choose a publishing license. Please, notice that funders may require that the publication license has to be CC BY.

List of  AIP journals where you can publish in open access under this agreement.

Transformative agreement document avaible at CSUC [Catalan].


Annual Reviews

The University of Barcelona, through the Center for Resources for Learning and Research (CRAI) has signed a Subscribe to Open agreement with Annual Reviews

This agreement maintains access to all the journals of this publisher, as before, and, at the same time, also allows the articles published where the corresponding author is from the University of Barcelona are open access without any additional cost. This agreement is in effect for 2025.

Researchers do not have to pay any APC (Article Processing Charge) whether it is published in an access journal full open as if it is published in a journal that offers the hybrid option (publish an article in open in a subscription access journal).

For a publication to be open access, it must be requested when the article is accepted. Then, researchers should choose a publishing license. Please, notice that funders may require that the publication license has to be CC BY.

List of journals included in this agreement.

Bentham Science

Bentham Science is offering to researchers of University of Barcelona a discount off 30% on the standard fee they charge to publish accepted articles in any of their journals and books.

In order to request this discount, authors should identify themselves as University of Barcelona members when they deal with a Bentham Science journal to arrange for the publication of a research article. The application of this discount is monitored from the CRAI, if you have any questions you can contact the Research Unit.

Cambridge University Press

The renewal of the existing state agreement until 2024 signed by the University of Barcelona, through the Center for Resources for Learning and Research (CRAI) with Cambridge University Press is still under negotiation. Until further notice, reading access is granted, but open access publishing won't be possible without additional cost.

Articles could be opened retrospectively in case of agreement by 2025. 


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

The University of Barcelona, through the Center for Resources for Learning and Research (CRAI) has signed an agreement transformative with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.


This agreement allows, since January 2024, to maintain access to all the journals of this publishing house as until moment. But, at the same time, it also allows articles to be published as open access without any additional cost, where the corresponding author is from the University of Barcelona. These conditions will be maintained until the end of the agreement, in December 2027.

Researchers do not have to pay any APC (Article Processing Charge) whether it is published in an access journal full open as if it is published in a journal that offers the hybrid option (publish an article in open in a subscription access journal).

Journals included are:


For a publication to be open access, it must be requested when the article is accepted. Then, researchers should choose a publishing license. Please, notice that funders may require that the publication license has to be CC BY.

Transformative agreement document.

The Company of Biologists

The University of Barcelona, through the Center for Resources for Learning and Research (CRAI) has signed an agreement transformative with The Company of Biologists.

This agreement allows, as of January 2022, to maintain access to all the journals of this publishing house as until moment. But, at the same time, it also allows articles to be published as open access without any additional cost, where the corresponding author is from the University of Barcelona. These conditions will be maintained until the end of the agreement, in December 2027.

Researchers do not have to pay any APC (Article Processing Charge) whether it is published in an access journal full open as if it is published in a journal that offers the hybrid option (publish an article in open in a subscription access journal).
Journals included are:

For a publication to be open access, it must be requested when the article is accepted. Then, researchers should choose a publishing license. Please, notice that funders may require that the publication license has to be CC BY.

Transformative agreement document.

De Gruyter

The University of Barcelona, through the Center for Resources for Learning and Research (CRAI) has signed an agreement transformative with De Gruyter's journals along 2024. This agreement allows to maintain access to all the journals of this publishing house as until moment. But, at the same time, it also allows articles to be published as open access without any additional cost, where the corresponding author is from the University of Barcelona. 

Researchers do not have to pay any APC (Article Processing Charge) whether it is published in an access journal full open as if it is published in a journal that offers the hybrid option (publish an article in open in a subscription access journal) and, those included in the Subscribe to Open option.
For a publication to be open access, it must be requested when the article is accepted. Then, researchers should choose a publishing license. Please, notice that funders may require that the publication license has to be CC BY.
List of De Gruyter journals where you can publish in open access under this agreement.
EDP Sciences


The University of Barcelona, through the Center for Resources for Learning and Research (CRAI) has signed a Subscribe to Open agreement with EDP Sciences.


This agreement maintains access to all the journals of this publisher, as before, and, at the same time, also allows the articles published where the corresponding author is from the University of Barcelona are open access without any additional cost. This agreement is in effect for 2025.

Researchers do not have to pay any APC (Article Processing Charge) whether it is published in an access journal full open as if it is published in a journal that offers the hybrid option (publish an article in open in a subscription access journal).

For a publication to be open access, it must be requested when the article is accepted. Then, researchers should choose a publishing license. Please, notice that funders may require that the publication license has to be CC BY.

Journal included is:

Document of the Transformative Agreement


The renewal of the existing state agreement until 2024 signed by the CRUE and the CSIC with Elsevier is still under negotiation. Until further notice, reading access is granted, but open access publishing won't be possible without additional cost.

 Articles could be opened retrospectively in case of agreement by 2025. 


The University of Barcelona has four vouchers to publish in open access in Emerald's journals along 2025. To enjoy one of these vouchers authors should identify themselves as University of Barcelona members and that they request it when the article is accepted. 

European Mathematical Society

The University of Barcelona, through the Center for Resources for Learning and Research (CRAI) has signed a Subscribe to Open agreement with EMS.

This agreement maintains access to all the journals of this publisher, as before, and, at the same time, also allows the articles published where the corresponding author is from the University of Barcelona are open access without any additional cost. This agreement is in effect for 2025.

Researchers do not have to pay any APC (Article Processing Charge) whether it is published in an access journal full open as if it is published in a journal that offers the hybrid option (publish an article in open in a subscription access journal).

For a publication to be open access, it must be requested when the article is accepted. Then, researchers should choose a publishing license. Please, notice that funders may require that the publication license has to be CC BY.


Frontiers is offering to researchers of University of Barcelona a discount off 10% on the standard fee they charge to publish accepted articles in any of their journals.

In order to request this discount, authors should identify themselves as University of Barcelona members when they deal with a Frontiers journal to arrange for the publication of a research article. The application of this discount is monitored from the CRAI, if you have any questions you can contact the Research Unit.

IEEE Xplore

The University of Barcelona, through the state agreement signed by the CRUE and the CSIC with IEE Xplore, has a number of articles for open access publication in journals that offer the hybrid option.

This agreement maintains access to all IEEE Electronic Library (IEL) and IEEE All-Society Periodicals Package (ASPP) hybrid journals of this publisher, as before, and, at the same time, also allows the published articles where the corresponding author is from the University of Barcelona be open access articles without any additional cost. This agreement is in effect until the end of 2025 and will cover up to 2 items. Open access journals have a 20% discount off. 

For a publication to be open access, it must be requested when the article is accepted. Then, researchers should choose a publishing license. Please, notice that funders may require that the publication license has to be CC BY or a CC-BY-NC

List of hybrid journals of IEEE Xplore where you can publish in open access under this agreement.

Transformative agreement document avaible at CSUC [Catalan].


As of 1st January, 2020, IntechOpen offers discounts off to 20 up to 25% with respect to its fees for publishing books or book chapters in open access. In order to get benefit this discount it's necessary to identify as a member of the University of Barcelona. If you have any questions, contact with the Research Unit.

IOP Publishing

The University of Barcelona, through the Center for Resources for Learning and Research (CRAI) has signed an agreement transformative with IOP Publishing.


This agreement maintains access to all the journals of this publisher, as before, and, at the same time, also allows the articles published where the corresponding author is from the University of Barcelona are open access without any additional cost. This agreement is in effect until 2026.


Researchers do not have to pay any APC (Article Processing Charge) whether it is published in an access journal full open as if it is published in a journal that offers the hybrid option (publish an article in open in a subscription access journal).


For a publication to be open access, it must be requested when the article is accepted. Then, researchers should choose a publishing license. Please, notice that funders may require that the publication license has to be CC BY.


Agreement document and list of IOP Publishing journals where you can publish in open access under this agreement.

Karger Journals

The University of Barcelona, through the Center for Resources for Learning and Research (CRAI) has signed an agreement transformative with Karger Journals

This agreement maintains access to all the journals of this publisher, as before, and, at the same time, also allows the articles published where the corresponding author is from the University of Barcelona are open access without any additional cost. This agreement is in effect for 2025.

Researchers do not have to pay any APC (Article Processing Charge) whether it is published in an access journal full open as if it is published in a journal that offers the hybrid option (publish an article in open in a subscription access journal).

For a publication to be open access, it must be requested when the article is accepted. Then, researchers should choose a publishing license. Please, notice that funders may require that the publication license has to be CC BY.

List of Karger journals where you can publish in open access under this agreement.

Mathematical Sciences Publishers

The University of Barcelona, through the Center for Resources for Learning and Research (CRAI) has signed a Subscribe to Open agreement with  Mathematical Sciences Publishers.

This agreement maintains access to all the journals of this publisher, as before, and, at the same time, also allows the articles published where the corresponding author is from the University of Barcelona are open access without any additional cost. This agreement is in effect for 2025.

Researchers do not have to pay any APC (Article Processing Charge) whether it is published in an access journal full open as if it is published in a journal that offers the hybrid option (publish an article in open in a subscription access journal).

For a publication to be open access, it must be requested when the article is accepted. Then, researchers should choose a publishing license. Please, notice that funders may require that the publication license has to be CC BY.

Journals included are:

Agreement document with Mathematical Sciences Publishers.


In 2021 MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) is once again offering to researchers of University of Barcelona a discount off 10% on the standard fee they charge to publish accepted articles in any of their journals. This economic incentive is the result of a program aimed at strengthening the link between the Swiss publishing group and prestigious research and higher education institutions such as the University of Barcelona. The discounts are an effective tool for increasing Open Access publication of university research results.

In order to request this discount, authors should identify themselves as University of Barcelona members when they deal with an MDPI journal to arrange for the publication of a research article. Please notice that this discount does not apply if any of the discount vouchers offered by the same MPDI group are used. These special terms will remain in effect until 28th. February 2025.

Royal Society of Chemistry

The University of Barcelona, through the state agreement signed by the CRUE and the CSIC with the Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing, has a number of articles for open access publication in journals that offer the hybrid option and open access journals. 

This agreement maintains access to all the journals of this publisher, as before, and, at the same time, also allows the articles published where the corresponding author is from the University of Barcelona are open access without any additional cost. This agreement is in effect until the end of 2025 and will cover up to 19 items.  

For a publication to be open access, it must be requested when the article is accepted. Then, researchers should choose a publishing license. Please, notice that funders may require that the publication license has to be CC BY or CC BY-NC.

List of journals of Royal Society of Chemistry where you can publish in open access under this agreement.

Transformative agreement document avaible at CSUC [Catalan].    



The renewal of the existing state agreement until 2025 by the CRUE and the CSIC with Springer  is pending of final approval. Until further notice, reading access is granted, but open access publishing won't be possible without additional cost.

Articles could be opened retrospectively when the agreement for 2025 is approved.


The renewal of the existing state agreement until 2025 by the CRUE and the CSIC with Wiley  is pending of final approval. Until further notice, reading access is granted, but open access publishing won't be possible without additional cost.

Articles could be opened retrospectively when the agreement for 2025 is approved.