

Organitzadors:           Sara Caredda


                                 Ramon Dilla


                                 Neus Verger



Autors:                   SCL          Sílvia Canalda i Llobet


                              SC            Sara Caredda


Autobiografia de Harold W. Kroto

I was the kid with the funny name in my form. That is one of the earliest memories I have of school (except for being forced to finish school dinners). Other kids had typical Lancashire names such as Chadderton, Entwistle, Fairhurst, Higginbottom, Mottershead and Thistlethwaite though I must admit that there were the odd Smith, Jones and Brown. My name at that time was Krotoschiner (my father changed it to Kroto in 1955 so it is now occasionally thought, by some, to be Japanese).

Autobiografia de Richard E. Smalley

I was born in Akron, Ohio on June 6, 1943, one year to the day before D-Day, the allied invasion at Normandy. The youngest of four children, I was brought up in a wonderfully stable, loving family of strong Midwestern values. When I was three my family moved to Kansas City, Missouri where we lived in a beautiful large home in a lovely upper-middle class neighborhood.