Support on research data management

Today, the management of research data has become a fundamental part of any research process. Organizing, documenting and sharing data ensures that research results can be verified and reproduced.

Through publication, research data can be stored, identified, accessed, reproduced and disseminated in a manner that is easy, useful and valid to make the data visible and increase the potential impact. Ensuring free access carries the benefit of enabling users to exploit, use and evaluate the data. 

Since 2019 the University has an institutional policy (in Catalan) to improve the management, the preservation and the exchange of research data.


This page features tools and information to help you meet the requirements of Horizon Europe 2021-2027 programme.

Data and projects funded by Horizon Europe 2021-2027

In the framework of the Horizon 2020 European research programme, an Open Research Data Pilot was instigated. The pilot called for a Data Management Plan (DMP) and the publication of any data associated with published results. As of 2017, the Pilot Plan disappears to become the general rule for any funded project.

The Horizon Europe program (2021-2027) facilitates collaboration and strengthens the impact of research and innovation in the development, support and implementation of EU policies while addressing global challenges. It supports the creation and better dissemination of knowledge and technologies. In the current program, the development of a Data Management Plan is mandatory for all projects that generate or reuse data.

Data needs to be 'FAIR', i.e. Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

Open science policy must also be ensured: Mandatory open access to publications and open science principles apply to the entire program.

Horizon Europe

Open Science at Horizon Europe

The FAIR Data Principles

Horizon Europe (HORIZON): Model Grant Agreement

Data Management Plan Template. Horizon Europe



Planning: How to create a Data Management Plan

A Data Management Plan should explain what will be done with the data during and after the project: what data will be obtained, collected or processed, what standards and methodology will be applied, who can access the data and when, and how the data will be preserved when the project is completed.

A DMP describes the data management lifecycle of use, process and generation to make research data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable, i.e.: FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).

In short, it indicates the use of the data during and after the completion of the research.

Tools for creating Data Management Plans


Template   (in Catalan) of PGD for PhD students, with its guide (Catalan) for thesis supervisors.. 

European Research Council CSUC

Horizon Europe 2021-2027

Further information: 


Data release

Here are some considerations  based on the proposal of the John Hopkins University   to take into account when selecting a data repository.  

1. Most used disciplinary repositories according to the field of study. 

2. CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca. It includes multidisciplinary research data from Catalan universities, research centres in Catalonia and other entities that carry out research to publish research datasets in FAIR mode and following the EOSC guidelines. This is the procedure  [in Catalan] to follow if you want to register and deposit datasets in this repository. If you choose to do so, the university offers you the service of support and data curation. 

3. Multi-disciplinary and open repository, such as Zenodo .

Data dissemination

When publishing data, the use of licences must be taken into account in order to allow its reuse. More information can be found at:  

Support on copyright, intellectual property and open access at the CRAI (UB).

Licenses for open data


Reusing and citing data

In some projects, you may want to use data already in existence, not new data. In these cases, it is crucial to cite the original data. For this purpose, we provide the following resources:  

Data citation principles

DataCite citation service