Research Unit


The CRAI Research Unit provides advice, information and support to the UB community on all aspects of research. Specifically, it helps researchers publish their results and puts them in touch with the relevant University service or unit for specialist subject areas.



  • To provide support and advice for the publication and dissemination of research results in journals, books and repositories: papers, conference papers, software, etc.
  • To manage the publication of doctoral theses successfully defended at the University of Barcelona in the institutional repository and the TDX cooperative repository.
  • Coordinate and maintain the repositories Revistes Científiques de la UB (RCUB) and Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert (RACO), the first institutional of the UB and cooperative with the CSUC the second.
  • To advise and provide support to teaching staff on issues related to the assessment of scientific journals and research activity.
  • To work with other units, services and research-support structures at the University of Barcelona, and in particular with the offices of the vice-rectors with specific responsibilities in the area of research.
  • To advise on open access dissemination of knowledge generated at the University, and on legal issues related to copyright and intellectual property, through the CRAI's Office for Knowledge Dissemination.
  • To provide information sessions and personalized training in reference to any of the above functions.
  • To represent the University of Barcelona and the CRAI in Spanish and international research organizations such as the Consortium of University Services of Catalonia (CSUC), the Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER) or the League of European Research Universities (LERU).

The CRAI Research Unit coordinates these support services to the research community, which are carried out from the CRAI libraries of the University of Barcelona.

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Research Unit
Facilities and map
Person in charge
Ignasi Labastida Juan
Correu electrònic del responsable
Email address
934 035 377
934 039 098
Baldiri Reixac, 2. Edifici Juliana Morell (planta baixa)