We offer you information and examples of citation of bibliographical references following different styles and reference standards and according to the typology of the documents or their field of specialization. We also offer you information on the most common reference manager tools.
- Estil APA
- Estil ISO:
- Printed documents
- Electronic documents
- Documents of the Rare Book and Manuscript CRAI Library
- Software and programming languages (catalan)
- Other types of documents: audios, videos, multimedia, maps, printed or handwritten music, graphic documents, etc.
Art and humanities documents (including works of art)
- Guide to the Harvard System of Referencing
- APA (American Psychological Association)
- Summary Guide to APA Style (APA 7th ed.). (catalan). Produced by Philology and Communication CRAI Library
- Chicago-Style Citation
- MLA (Modern Language Association)
- MLA Citations Style
- MLA Formatting and Style Guide
Health sciences documents
- Citing medicine: the NLM style guide for authors, editors, and publishers. 2nd ed.
- Preparing a Manuscript for Submission to a Medical Journal International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)
- Samples of Formatted References for Authors of Journal Articles National Library of Medicine
- Estil Vancouver. Traducció al català realitzada per la Universitat de Girona
Psychology and social sciences documents
- APA Style. American Psychological Association (APA) Document Citation Guidelines
- APA Formatting and Style Guide. Produced by Purdue University
- APA Style 7th ed. Produced by the UOC Library
- APA Style Produced by the UdG Library
- Citing and listing references in APA Style (APA 7th ed.). Produced by the Campus Mundet CRAI Library
The Vancouver standards and the APA standards provide, thanks to a UOC initiative, the option of including the full name of the authors in the bibliographic references. We recommend it to contribute to the visibility of the women in research and teaching. [ see UOC guide https://biblioteca.uoc.edu:8080/ca/plana/Com-citar/ ]
Legal sources
- The citation of legal sources at the regional, state and international level. Document produced by the Law CRAI Library, extracted from the book: Tècniques de treball i de comunicació: Instrumentàrium per a les ciències jurídiques i socials.
Reference managers are tools that facilitate the organization of bibliographic citations and the creation of bibliographies that work integrated with databases, institutional repositories and the Cercabib.

How to cite and manage bibliography (catalan) produced by the CRAI of the University of Barcelona
For more information, check the Frequently Asked Questions or contact us through the User support service (SAU).