Digitization Centre (CEDI)


The Digitization Center of the University of Barcelona (CEDI) is a service whose mission is to digitize and process documents generated by the University of Barcelona, on a large scale.


Its main function is to digitize the heritage fund of the Center for Resources for Learning and Research (CRAI) and the funds or objects of the other services of the University of Barcelona, always following two lines of action, the creation of digital copies for long-term dissemination and preservation.


CEDI offers all kinds of services in the elaboration of digitization projects, to institutions, private centers and individuals.

Digitization Centre (CEDI) Bluesky

Digitization Centre (CEDI)
Opening hours

Monday to Friday, from 8.30 a.m. to 15.00 p.m.

Facilities and map

The CEDI is equipped with scanners with the most advanced technology in the sector, with rooms adapted to the different projects.


Scanning equipment:

  • 2 high quality manual air scanners, CopiBook Open System A2 model
  • 1 automatic scanner for books scanner, model Kirtas Kabis III
  • 1 large format digital camera, 71 mp I2S Eagle camera model
  • 1 photographic slide and negative scanner, Plustek OpticFilm 120 model
  • 1 continuous feed scanner, Microtek ArtixScan 6250S model
  • 2 scanners for dental radiographs, model Microtek Medi 2200plus

Aerial scanners and digital cameras can meet the standard standards for image quality criteria: ISO 19264, Metamorfoze and FADGI.


The CEDI has computers with high-end monitors, calibrated to bring quality control and processing appropriate to current standards.


Depending on the objects to be digitized, the CEDI has rooms adapted to guarantee the most optimal digital copy, rooms with controlled light and a processing room.


Person in charge
Assumpta Pujol Vallcorba
Correu electrònic del responsable
Email address
934 020 162
934 034 596
Baldiri Reixac, 2, planta 2