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I. Precedents and travel arrangements


   In the summer of 1933, the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the University of Madrid organized the first university cruise around the Mediterranean. In addition to in-house students, the cruise gathered students from different places, among them a group of students from Barcelona. The impact was huge: the local press of the time as well as the publication of journey diaries strengthened its importance. 
   Due to the Spanish Civil War, the exile, and the repression of the General Franco’s regime, the memories of the Cruise of 1933 faded with time (even though always sparked a memory). However, since 1995, multiple publications and monographic exhibitions have renewed interest in the trip. In this way the Cruise of 1933 has become an obligatory reference in many exhibitions about the organizers or members of the cruise, or even in literary works.
   Encouraged by the success of the Cruise of 1933, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona organized its own cruise for the summer of 1934, under the direction of Dr. Ángel Ferrer i Cagigal, Dean of the School of Medicine, and with the collaboration of two young professors of the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature: Guillermo Díaz-Plaja and Jaume Vicens Vives. Destination: America. The Count of Güell, the Chairman of Compañía Trasatlántica, responded enthusiastically to the project and put the ship "Marqués de Comillas" at the students' disposal. The expedition had a marked interdisciplinary nature, and was characterized by what is now called "transfer to society": students from different areas and from different parts of Spain engaged in the Cruise, and the university put forth their best efforts in responding to advertising and organizational tasks through press releases.
IniciHome II.


1. Passports issued by the Government of the Spanish Republic (University Mediterranean Cruise of 1933).
2. Passports issued by the Government of the Spanish Republic (University Mediterranean Cruise of 1933).
3. Copy of the "Diario de noticias", newspaper edited aboard the "Ciudad de Cádiz".
4. "Ahora" newspaper (Madrid) informs about the university expedition as it reached Greece on the 13th July 1933.
5. One of the first publications about the Cruise of 1933: the journey diaries  of C. Alonso del Real, M. Granell and J. Marías (Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1934). Source: Universitat de Barcelona Arts Library
6. First and only publication in Catalan of a diary about the Cruise of 1933 (Barcelona Libreria Catalònia, 1935).
7. Reissue of G. Díaz-Plaja: "Cartes de navegar" (Argentona: L’Aixernador, 1992).
8. Catalogue of the Cruise of 1933 Exhibition in Residencia de Estudiantes  de Madrid, 1995 (Madrid: Publicaciones de la Residencia de Estudiantes, 1995).
9. Detailed study on the Cruise of 1933 by F. Gracia and J.M. Fullola (Barcelona: Publicacions i Edicions Universitat de Barcelona, 2006).
10a. An article about the Cruise of 1933 collected in the catalogue of "La Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de Madrid en la segunda República  exhibition. Arquitectura y Universidad durante los años 30" (Madrid: Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales. Madrid City Council. Ediciones de Arquitectura. Fundación Arquitectura COAM, 2008).
11a. Reissue of the Cruise of 1933 newspaper, written by Julián Marías (Madrid: Páginas de Espuma, 2011).
11b. Epilogue by Javier Marías, son of the author.
12. The Cruise of 1933, mentioned in the Exhibition of the Centenary of  the writers B. Rosselló-Pòrcel, S. Espriu and J. Vicens Vives. "Catàleg Rosselló-Pòrcel" (L’Espluga de Francolí: Fundació Lluís Carulla, 2012).
13. "Espriu. L’escriptor compromès". Edition by Julià Guillamon (Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg, 2013).
13a. "Espriu. L’escriptor compromès". Edition by Julià Guillamon (Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg, 2013).
14a. "1910-1960. Àlbum Vicens i Vives". Edition by J.M. Muñoz i Lloret (Madrid: Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales, 2010).
14b. "1910-1960. Àlbum Vicens i Vives". Edition by J.M. Muñoz i Lloret (Madrid: Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales, 2010).
15. The writer S. Rafart turns the Mediterranean Cruise of 1933 into a poetic evocation (Barcelona: Angle Editorial, 2006).
16. A fragment of G. Díaz-Plaja's book "Memoria de una generación destruida" mentions the commitment of Güell to the Cruise of 1934 (Barcelona: Delos-Aymà, 1966, pp. 107-108).
17. The passenger list, drawn by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, shows the professional diversity among the members of the cruise. Source: Universitat de Barcelona Historical Archive.
18. The passenger list, drawn by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, shows the professional diversity among the members of the cruise. Source: Universitat de Barcelona Historical Archive.
19. The passenger list, drawn by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, shows the professional diversity among the members of the cruise. Source: Universitat de Barcelona Historical Archive.
20. External image of the prospectus for the Cruise of 1934 edited by the shipping line.
21-22. Prospectus inner image with the passenger list and the pricing.
23. Notices published in "La Vanguardia" reminding the passengers of the necessary arrangements for the trip.
24. The four architects of the trip. Left to right: Juan Antonio Güell, Count of Güell; Ángel Ferrer i Cagigal; Guillermo Díaz-Plaja and Jaume Vicens Vives.