Vitrina I



Milton, John, 1608-1674

Paradise lost : a poem, in twelve books ...

London : printed for a Company of Stationers, 1739.

Segell a portada: "Comprado B.P.U."

07 XVIII-5221




Fourcroy, Abbé de

A New and easy method to understand the Roman history ...

London : printed for R. Wellington ..., 1617 [i.e. 1697].

Ex-libris manuscrit a portada: "Es de la bib[liote]ca mariana del conv[ent]o de S[an] Fran[cis]co de Barcelona"

07 C-254/6/30




Mandeville, Bernard, 1670-1733

The Fable of the bees or Private vices, publick benefits ; with an Essay on charity and charity-schools ; and a Search into the nature of society ... ; to which is added a Vindication of the Book from de Aspersions contain'd in a presentment of the Grand-Jury of Middlesex and an abusive letter to Lord C.

Edinburgh : printed for W. Gray and W. Peter ..., 1755.

Segell a portada: "Facultad de ciencias económicas y empresariales. Biblioteca".

07 E-R-I-235-I (V. 1)




Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681

The Works of the learned and pious author of The whole duty of man

[Oxford] : Printed at the Theater in Oxford, and in London, by Roger Norton, for Edward Paulet ..., 1704.

Ex-libris manuscrit a segona portada: "Es de la Bib[liote]ca mariana del conv[en]to de S[a]n Franc[isc]o de Bar[celo]na"

07 XVIII-10277-1 (V.1)