- Holz, D.E.; Wheeler, John Archibald. Retro_MACHOs: pi in the sky?. Astrophysical Journal 2002, 578 (1), p.330-334
- Tegmark, M. ; Wheeler, John Archibald. 100 years of quantum mysteries. Scientific American 2001, 284 (2), p.68-75
- Ford, K.W. ; Wheeler, John Archibald. Semiclassical description of scattering (Reprinted from Annals of Physics, vol. 7, p.259-286, 1959) Annals of Physics 2000, 284 (1-2), p.608-635
- Wheeler, John Archibald. Wheeler's rules of writing. American Journal of Physics 1999, 67 (11), p.945
- Gentle AP ; Holz DE ; Miller WA ; et al. Apparent horizons in simplicial Brill wave initial data. Classical and quantum gravity 1999, 16 (6), p.1979-1985
- Wheeler John Archibald. Physicist writing his memoirs seeks contact with former students. Physics Today 1996, 49 (11), p.110
- Wheeler John Archibald. The young Feynman. Physics Today 1989, 42 (2), p.24-28
- Schleich, W. ; Walter, H. ; Wheeler JA. Area in phasepace as determiner of transition-probability -Bohr-Sommerfeld bands, Wigner ripples, and Fresnel zones. Foundations of Physics 1988, 18 (10), p.953-968
- Kheyfets, A. ; Miller, WA. ; Wheeler JA. Null-Strut Calculus - The 1st test. Physical review Letters 1988, 61 (18), p.2042-2045
- Wheeler, John Archibald. World as system self-synthesized by quantum networking. IBM Journal of research and development 1988, 32 (1), p.4-15
- Schleich, W. ; Wheeler, JA. Oscillations in photon distribution of squeezed states and interference in phase-space. Nature 1987, 326 (6113), p.574-577
- Kheyfets, A. ; Wheeler, JA. Boundary of a boundary principle and geometric structure of field-theories. International Journal of theoretical Physics 1986, 25 (6), p.573-580
- Wheeler, John Archibald. Bohr, Niels, the man. Physics Today 1985, 38 (10), p.66-72
- Witten, E. ; Nambu, Y. ; Yang, CN. et al. Higher energy Physics. Physics Reports 1984, 104 (2-4), p.201-236
- Wheeler, JA. On recognizing "law without law", Oersted Medal Response at the joint APS-AAPT Meeting, New York, 25 January 1983. American Journal of Physics 1983, 51 (5), p.398-404
- Armour, RS. ; Wheeler, JA. Physicist's version of traveling salesman problem: statistical analysis. American Journal of Physics 1983, 51 (5), p.405-406
- Wheeler, John Archibald The Geometrostatic lattice cell. Foundations of Physics 1983, 13 (1), p.161-173
- Wheeler, John Archibald. Particles and Geometry. Lecture notes in Physics 1982, 160, p.189-217
- Wheeler, John Archibald The Computer and the Universe. International Journal of theoretical Physics 1982, 21 (6-7), p.557-572
- Wheeler, John Archibald Parapsychology - correction. Science 1979, 205 (4402), p.144
- Wheeler, John Archibald. Eisntein - things and thinkers. Physics Today 1979, 32 (3), p.144
- Wheeler, John Archibald Gravitational and electromagnetic wave flux compared and contrasted. Physical Review D 1977, 16 (12), p.3384-3389
- Ball, JA. ; Wheeler, JA. : Firemen, EL. Photoabsorption and charge oscillation of Thomas Fermi atom. Reviews of Modern Physics 1973, 45 (3), p.333-352
- Ruffini, R. ; Wheeler, JA. Introducing black hole. Physics Today 1971, 24 (1), p.30-41
- Wheeler, John Archibald. Curie, MS-Copernicus of world of small. Science 1968, 160 (3833), p.1197-1200
- Wheeler, John Archibald. Our Universe known and unknown. Science 1967, 158 (3806), p.1344
- Frisch, OR. ; Wheeler, JA. Discovery of fission. Physics Today 1967, 20 (11), p.43-52
- Wheeler, John Archibald. Superdefense stars. Annual review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 1966, (4), p.393-432
- Hoyle, F. ; Wheeler, JA. ; Narlikar, JV. Electromagnetic waves from very dense stars. Nature 1964, 203 (494), p.914-916
- Wheeler, John Archibald No fugitive and cloistered virtue. PhysicsToday 1963, 16 (1), p.30-32
- Bargmann, V. ; Wheeler, JA. ; Wightman, A. et al. To Wigner, EP on his Sixtieth birthday. Reviews of Modern Physics 1962, 34 (4), p.587-591
- Wheeler, John Archibald. Problems on frontiers between general relativity and differential geometry. Reviews of Modern Physics 1962, 34 (4), p.873-892
- Fuller, RW. ; Wheeler, JA. Causality and multiply connected space-time. Physical Review 1962, 128 (2), p.919-929
- Baierlein, RF. ; Sharp, DH. ; Wheeler, JA. Three-dimensional geometry as carrier of information about time. Physical Review 1962, 126 (5), p.1864-1865
- Wheeler, John Archibald Geometrodynamics and the problem of motion. Reviews of Modern Physics 1961, 33 (1), p.63-78
- Ford, KW. ; Hill, DL. ; Wakano, M. et al. Quantum effects near a barrier maximum. Annals of Physics 1959, 7 (3), p.239-258
- Ford, KW. ; Wheeler, JA. Semiclassical description of scattering. Annals of Physics 1959, 7 (3), p.259-286
- Ford, KW. ; Wheeler, JA. Application of semiclassical scattering analysis. Annals of Physics 1959, 7 (3), p.287-322
- Werner, FG. ; Wheeler, JA. Superheavy nuclei. Physical Review 1958, 109 (1), p.126-144
- Misner, CW. ; Wheeler, JA. Classical physics as geometry gravitation, electromagnetism, unquantized charge, and mass as properties of curved empty space. Annals of Physics 1957, 2 (6), p.525-603
- Wheeler, John Archibald. On the nature of quantum geometrodynamics. Annals of Physics 1957, 2 (6), p.604-614
- Lindquist, RW. ; Wheeler, JA. Dynamics of a lattice universe by the Schwarzschild-Cell Method. Reviews of Modern Physics 1957, 29 (3), p.432-443
- Wheeler, John Archibald. Assessment of Everett's "relative state" formulation of quantum theory. Reviews of Modern Physics 1957, 29 (3), p.463-465
- Brill, DR. ; Wheeler, JA. Interaction of neutrinos and gravitational fields. Reviews of Modern Physics 1957, 29 (3), p.465-479
- Power, EA. ; Wheeler, JA. Thermal geons. Reviews of Modern Physics 1957, 29 (3), p.480-495
- Weber, J. ; Wheeler, JA. Reality of the cylindrical gravitational waves of Einstein and Rosen Reviews of Modern Physics 1957, 29 (3), p.509-515
- Klauder, J. ; Wheeler, JA. On the question of a neutrino analog to electric charge Reviews of Modern Physics 1957, 29 (3), p.516-517
- Griffin, JJ. ; Wheeler, JA. Collective motions in nuclei by the method of generator coordinates. Physical Review 1957, 108 (2), p.311-327
- Regge, T. ; Wheeler, JA. Stability of a Schwarzschild singularity. Physical Review 1957, 108 (4), p.1063-1069
- Wheeler, John Archibald. Fission. Physica 1956, 22 (11), p.1003-1114
- Euwema, RN. ; Wheeler, JA. First-order vacuum polarizability from the principle of causality. Physical Review 1956, 103 (3), p.803-806
- Wheeler, John Archibald Correction Physical Review 1956, 101 (6), p.1836
- Wheeler, John Archibald Scattering and potential. Physical Review 1955, 99 (2), p.630
- Wheeler, John Archibald Geons. Physical Review 1955, 97 (2), p.511-536
- Wheeler, John Archibald Mu Meson as nuclear probe particle. Physical Review 1953, 92 (3), p.812-816
- Hill, DL. ; Wheeler, JA. Nuclear constitution and the interpretation of fission phenomena. Physical Review 1953, 89 (5), p.1102-1145
- Wheeler, JA. ; Hill, DL. The Collective model of the nucleus. Physical Review 1953, 90 (2), p.366
- Wheeler, John Archibald The Collective model of the nucleus Science 1953, 117 (3044), p.472-473
- Plass, GN. ; Wheeler, JA. Classical electrodynamical motion including radiative reaction. Physical Review 1951, 82 (2), p.320-321
- Ford K. ; Wheeler, JA. Scattering of magnetic poles by atomic nuclei. Physical Review 1951, 81 (4), p.656
- Wheeler, JA. ; Toll, J. Bases for an estimate of coherent gamma-ray scattering. Physical Review 1951, 81 (4), p.655
- Toll, J. ; Wheeler, JA. Some pair theoretic applications of the dispersion relation. Physical Review 1951, 81 (4), p.654-655
- Shanley, TJB. ; Kane EO. ; Wheeler, JA. Influence on the cosmic-ray spectrum of heavenly bodies Physical Review 1949, 75 (8), p.1317
- Wightman, AS. ; Marshak, RE. ; Wheeler, JA. The Absorption of negative Pi-Mesons in Hydrogen. Physical Review 1949, 75 (8), p.1306-1307
- Wheeler, JA. ; Tiomno, J. On the spin of Pi-Mesons and Mu-Mesons. Physical Review 1949, 75 (8), p.1306
- Tiomno, J. Wheeler, JA. On the coupling of Mu-Mesons with Nucleons. Physical Review 1949, 75 (8), p.1306
- Tiomno, J. Wheeler, JA. Charge-exchange reaction of the Mu-Meson with the nucleus. Reviews of Modern Physics 1949, 21 (1), p.153-165
- Tiomno, J. Wheeler, JA. Energy spectrum of electrons from Meson decay. Reviews of Modern Physics 1949, 21 (1), p.144-152
- Wheeler, John Archibald Some consequences of the electromagnetic interaction between Mu-Mesons and nuclei. Reviews of Modern Physics 1949, 21 (1), p.133-143
- Kane, EO. ; Shanley, TJB. ; Wheeler, JA. Influence of the cosmic-ray spectrum of 5 heavenly bodies. Reviews of Modern Physics 1949, 21 (1), p.51-71
- Wheeler, JA. ; Feynman, RP. Classical electrodynamics in terms of direct interparticle action. Reviews of Modern Physics 1949, 21 (3), p.425-433
- Wheeler, John Archibald How Mesons disappear. Science 1948, 108 (2813), p.588
- Wheeler, John Archibald Mechanism of absorption of negative Mesons. Physical Review 1947, 71 (7), p.462-463
- Wheeler, John Archibald Mechanism of capture of slow Mesons. Physical Review 1947, 71 (5), p.320-321
- Plass, GN. ; Wheeler, JA. Blackbody radiation in the theory of action at a distance. Physical Review 1946, 70 (9-10), p.793
- Wheeler, John Archibald The two-particle problem in the theory of action at a distance. Physical Review 1946, 70 (9-10), p.793
- Wheeler, JA. ; Feynman, RP. Interaction with the absorber as the mechanism of radiation. Reviews of Modern Physics 1945, 17 (2-3), p.157-181
- Wheeler, JA. ; Wildt, R. The Absorption coefficient of the free-free transitions of the negative hydrogen ion. Astrophysical Journal 1942, 95 (2), p.281-287
- Wheeler, John Archibald The Alpha-particle model and the properties of the nucleus Be8Physical Review 1941, 59 (1), p.27-36
- Wheeler, John Archibald The scattering of Alpha-particles in Helium. Physical Review 1941, 59 (1), p.16-26
- Wheeler, JA. ; Ladenburg, R. Mass of the Meson by the method of momentum loss. Physical Review 1941, 60 (11), p.754-761
- Wheeler, JA. ; Barschall, HH. The scattering of 2.5-Mev neutrons in Helium. Physical Review 1940, 58 (8), p.682-687
- Wheeler, JA. ; Lamb, WE. Influence of atomic electrons on radiation and pair production. Physical Review 1939, 55 (9), p.858-862
- Bohr, N. ; Wheeler, JA. The fission of Protactinium. Physical Review 1939, 56 (10), p.1065-1066
- Bohr, N. ; Wheeler, JA. The mechanism of nuclear fission. Physical Review 1939, 56 (5), p.426-450
- Teller, E. ; Wheeler, JA. On the rotation of the atomic nucleus. Physical Review 1938, 53 (10), p.778-789
- Wheeler, John Archibald Wave functions for large arguments by the amplitude-phase method. Physical Review 1937, 52 (11), p.1123-1127
- Wheeler, John Archibald On the mathematical description of light nuclei by the method of resonating group structure. Physical Review 1937, 52 (11), p.1107-1122
- Wheeler, John Archibald Molecular viewpoints in nuclear structure. Physical Review 1937, 52 (11), p.1083-1106
- Way, K. ; Wheeler, JA. Comparison of Majorana-Heisenberg and velocity-dependent forces. Physical Review 1936, 50 (7), p.675
- Wheeler, John Archibald The dependence of nuclear forces on velocity. Physical Review 1936, 50 (7), p.643-649
- Plesset, MS. ; Wheeler, JA. Inelastic scattering of quanta with production of pairs. Physical Review 1935, 48 (4), p.302-306
- Breit, G. ; Wheeler, JA. Collision of two light quanta. Physical Review 1934, 46 (12), p.1087-1091
- Wheeler, JA. ; Bearden, JA. The variation of the K resonating strength with atomic number. Physical Review 1934, 46 (9), p.755-758
- Wheeler, JA. ; Breit, G. Li+ Fine Structure and Wave Functions near the Nucleus. Physical Review 1933, 44 (11), p.948
- Wheeler, John Archibald Theory of the dispersion and absorption of Helium. Physical Review 1933, 43 (4), p.258-263