- The Crimean War: an overview : the Victorian Web. Història, política, arts visuals amb accés a fonts primàries i secundàries sobre la Guerra de Crimea.
- Haidar Pasha Cemetery, Istambul . Commonwealth Information War Graves Sheet Commission. Pàgina informativa sobre el cementiri Haidar Pasha a Istambul on hi ha enterrats combatents de la Guerra de Crimea.
- Imperial War Museum Collections. Conté fotografies de la Guerra de Crimea amb les dades tècniques i històriques de la instantània.
- Florence Nightingale Historical Bulletin. Author Hugh Small marks the centenary of her death with regular research updates. Amplia el contingut del llibre homònim d'Hugh Small, Florence Nightingale, Avenging Angel, amb notes no publicades, articles i altres continguts relacionats amb la figura de Nightingale i la Guerra de Crimea.
- El juramento de Florence Nightingale . Universidad de Navarra, Departamento de Humanidades Biomédicas. Text de l’anomenat Jurament de Florence Nightingale redactat l’any 1893 i recitat habitualment en les graduacions de les escoles d’infermeria anglosaxones.
- Florence Nightingale Medal Who is it for ? What is it for ? How to apply ? and Regulations for the Florence Nightingale Medal. International Committee of the Red Cross. Informació disponible en anglès i en castellà.
- Florence Nightingale Medal: 2009 recipients . Letter to Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies announcing the 2009 recipients of the Florence Nightingale Medal, which honours exceptional courage and devotion in caring for victims of armed conflict or natural disasters. It also honours exemplary services or a creative and pioneering spirit in the areas of public health or nursing education. International Committee of the Red Cross.
- Honors, Medals, Things Named After Her . Country Joe McDonald's Tribute to Florence Nightingale.
- The Collected Works of Florence Nightingale. University of Guelph. Web que recull els escrits de F.Nightingale: llibres, articles, correspondència, notes, etc. També conté els apartats Nightingale Stamps, Florence Nightingale and Public Health Care, Picture Album, entre d'altres.
- The Florence Nightingale Foundation. A Living Memorial to Florence Nightingale.
- NIGH Nightingale Initiative for Global Health Declaration Campaign - creating a healthy world together. Nightingale Initiative for Global Health (NIGH).
- Florence Nightingale International Foundation (FNIF) . International Council of Nurses.
- Hospital de Escutari y la Dama de la Lámpara . Blog Enfermería Avanzada.
- Records of the National Florence Nightingale Committee . National Library for Australia. The collection comprises records of the National Florence Nightingale Committee and its related associations, which were originally housed at the Committee's offices in the Nurses Memorial Centre, Melbourne. The Committee was dissolved in 1993, and its archive was transferred to the new Canberra headquarters of the Royal College of Nursing, which was designated the organisation's official trustee. Prior to the final transfer of the collection to the National Library, records relating exclusively to the activities of the Victorian Branch of the Committee were extracted and returned to Melbourne for rehousing at the Nurses Memorial Centre.
- Famous People: Florence Nightingale . BBC Schools.
- Florence Nightingale: Garden of Praise. Free Educational Materials.
- Florence Nightingale. Hampshire Record Office. Archive Education Service
- Florence Nightingale. Spartacus Educational. L'autor d'aquesta web prepara material en línia per l'Electronic Telegraph, l'European Virtual School i pel Guardian's educational website.
- Florence Nightingale. Why do we remember her?. The National Archives, Education Section. Conté informació i activitats pels estudiants i guies pels educadors.