Què podeu trobar a les bases de dades?
- Cuidatge. Referències bibliogràfiques en Infermeria. Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
- Dialnet . Universidad de La Rioja. Portal de difusió de la producció científica hispana.
- Medline(PubMed). US National Library of Medicine.
- SCielo : Scientific Electronic Library Online
A Internet
- Angel of mercy or power-crazed meddler? Unseen letters challenge view of pioneer nurse by Maev Kennedy. Publicat a The Guardian. 2007 Monday 3 Sep 2007.
- Florence Nightingale : profesionalización de los cuidados desde una perspectiva de la antropología feminista. Per Teresa González Gil. RUA - Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat d'Alacant.
- Florence Nightingale y el contexto histórico-sociocultural de su época. Per Alica Hanzeliková Pogranyivá, Mª José Carabaño Mariblanca, Beatriz Torresano Torresano, Mª Rosario García Moreno. RUA - Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat d'Alacant.
- Florence Nightingale's fever. Per DAB Young. Publicat a BMJ. 1995;311(7021):1697-1700 (23 December).
- Graphing Literacy in the Psychology Major: Florence Nightingale and the Creation of a Beautiful Display of Data. Per Susan A. Nolan and Thomas E. Heinzen. Publicat a Observer. 2009 Sep;22(7). APS-Association for Psychological Science.
- El legado de Nightingale. Per Mireia Ladios Martín. Publicat a Educare21. 2006; (1).
- Nightingale in Scutari: her Legacy Reexamined. Per Christopher J. Gill i Gillian C. Gill. Publicat al Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2005 Jun 15;40(12):1799-805.
- Statistics of the General Hospitals of London, 1861 . Publicat al Journal of the Statistical Society of London. 1862 Sep;25(3):384-8. Published by: Blackwell Publishing for the Royal Statistical Society. Accés des de JSTOR.
- Surgical Audit: Statistical Lessons from Nightingale and Codman. David J. Spiegelhalter. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society). 1999;162(1):45-58. Published by: Blackwell Publishing for the Royal Statistical Society. Accés des de JSTOR.
- This Passionate Study: A Dialogue with Florence Nightingale . Per John Maindonald i Alice M. Richardson. Publicat al Journal of Statistics Education. 2004;12(1).
- The Voice of Cassandra: Florence Nightingale's Cassandra (1852) and the Victorian Woman. Laura Monros-Gaspar. Universitat de València. Publicat a New Voices in Classical Reception Reception Studies. 2008;(3):61-76. The Open University.
Imatge de capçalera:
Florence Nightingale (1820-1910). F. Nightingale and Sir H. Verney with group of nurses at Claydon House. Wellcome Images Collection. Slide number 2376