Què tenim a la Biblioteca?
A Internet
- Auchincloss Florence Nightingale Collection. Columbia University. Augustus C. Long Health Sciences Library. Health Sciences Library Archives and Special Collections.
- The Collected Works of Florence Nightingale. University of Guelph. Recull els escrits de F. Nightingale: llibres,articles, correspondència, notes, etc. a més d'altra informació.
- Florence Nightingale: A guide to sources in the Wellcome Institute Library . By Claire Cross. Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine Library; 1997. This guide covers both primary and secondary sources in the Wellcome Institute Library.
- Florence Nightingale to her nurses; a selection from Miss Nightingale's addresses to probationers and nurses of the Nightingale school at St. Thomas's hospital (1914) . The Internet Archive. American Libraries. Permet la consulta íntegra del document. Disponible en diferents formats (.pdf, .txt, .zip...)
- How people may live and not die in India. Per Florence Nightingale. London: Emily Faithful; 1863. Disponible al web de la Harvard University Library. Permet la consulta íntegra del document.
- International Statistical Congress. International Statistical Congress, Second Section :sanitary statistics. (A) Paper by Dr. Farr, (B i C) Papers by Dr. Sutherland, and D. Paper by Miss Nightingale. [London: H.M.S.O.; 1860]. Disponible al web de la Harvard University Library. Permet la consulta íntegra del document.
- Notes on hospitals. Per Florence Nightingale. London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green; 1863. Disponible al web de la Harvard University Library. Permet la consulta íntegra del document.
- Notes on nursing for the labouring classes. Per Florence Nightingale. London: Harrison; 1861. Disponible al web de la Harvard University Library. Permet la consulta íntegra del document.
- Notes on Nursing. What It Is, and What It Is Not. Per Florence Nightingale. New York: Appleton; 1860. També disponible per a la consulta al web de la Harvard University Library
- Rural hygiene . Per Florence Nightingale. London: Spottiswoode & Co.; 1894. Disponible al web de la Harvard University Library. Permet la consulta íntegra del document
- Obres de Florence Nightingale disponibles íntegrament en versió electrònica a la web d'Internet Archives. Universal access to all knowledge. També accessibles des del web de The UCLA Elmer Belt Florence Nightingale Collection
- Obres de Florence Nightingale a Amazon.com
- Obres de Florence Nightingale a Google llibres. Algunes de les obres es poden consultar parcialment o íntegrament en versió electrònica.
Què tenim a la Biblioteca?
A Internet
- Auchincloss Florence Nightingale Collection. Columbia University. Augustus C. Long Health Sciences Library. Health Sciences Library Archives and Special Collections.
- The Collected Works of Florence Nightingale . University of Guelph. Web que recull els escrits de F.Nightingale: llibres,articles, correspondència, notes... També conté els apartats Nightingale Stamps, Picture Album, entre d'altres.
- Eminent Victorians per Giles Lytton Strachey. Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation. Permet la consulta íntegra del document.
- Florence Nightingale per Francis Bennock. In: America Singing: Nineteenth-Century Song Sheets. New York: H. De Marsan. The Library of Congress. American Memory.
- Florence Nightingale: a drama per Edith Gittings Reid. New York: Macmillan; 1923. The Internet Archive. American Libraries. Permet la consulta íntegra del document. Disponible en diferents formats (.pdf, .txt, .zip...)
- Florence Nightingale: a guide to sources in the Wellcome Institute Library. By Claire Cross. Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine Library; 1997. This guide covers both primary and secondary sources in the Wellcome Institute Library.
- Florence Nightingale: avenging Angel. Per Hugh Small. Florence Nightingale Historical Bulletin. Podeu trobar més informació a Google llibres.
- Florence Nightingale: songs and Poems Country Joe McDonald's. Conté els poemes: Nightingale in the East, The Nightingale's Song to the Sick Soldier publicat a la revista Punch durant la Guerra de Crimea, 1854-1856 i Santa Filomena poema on l'autor, Henry Wadsworth, utilitza per primera vegada el terme "dama de la llàntia".
- Florence Nightingale's autobiographical notes: A critical edition of BL Add. 45844 per Heather Kelly. Thesis Submitted to the Department of Religion and Culture In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Arts degree Wilfrid Laurier University, 1998.
- Florence Nightingale’s statistical diagrams. Per Hugh Small. Presentation to Research Conference organised by the Florence Nightingale Museum, St. Thomas’s Hospital, 18th March 1998. Disponible una versió animada del gràfic Diagram of the Causes of Mortality in the Army in the East 1854-1856.
- The life of Florence Nightingale (1913), Vol. I | Vol. II . Obra escrita per Sir Edward Tyas Cook. London: MacMillan and Co; 1913. The Internet Archive. American Libraries. Permet la consulta íntegra del document. Disponible en diferents formats (.pdf, .txt, .zip...)
- Obres sobre Florence Nightingale disponibles íntegrament en versió electrònica a la web d' Internet Archives. Universal access to all knowledge : Universal access to all knowledge. També accessibles des del web de The UCLA Elmer Belt Florence Nightingale Collection
- Obres sobre Florence Nightingale a Amazon.com
- Obres sobre Florence Nightingale a Google llibres. Algunes de les obres es poden consultar parcialment o íntegrament en versió electrònica.
Imatge de capçalera:
Wellcome Library, London. Florence Nightingale : coloured lithograph. Iconographic Collections. ICV No 6792.