Support in the teaching portfolio tools

UB faculty members have at their disposal in their UB Personal Space a set of tools to facilitate access to and management of the information related to:

  • UB PDA (Pla de Dedicació Acadèmica)
  • Teaching assignments
  • GIGA enrollment lists
  • RIMDA (Recerca, Innovació i Millora de la Docència i l'Aprenentatge), formerly PMID
  • IDP/ICE (Institut de Desenvolupament Professional/Institut de Ciències de l'Educació) of the UB
  • Curricul@
  • Surveys
  • Academic performance
  • Faculty Teaching Evaluation (ADP)

The CRAI of the UB, in coordination with the Technical Bureau at the Rector's Office, gives support to the teaching staff in relation to the functioning of the Faculty Teaching Evaluation (ADP) app through the User Support Service (SAU), resolving any queries and doubts that may arise, as well as preparing support materials that are published on the website of the Technical Bureau at the Rector's Office.