
Històries ocultes del elements : Fons CRAI Biblioteca de Fïsica i Química

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46.    Moissan, H. ‘Action d’un courant électrique sur l’acide fluorhydrique anhydre’, Compt. Rend., 1886, 102, pp. 1543–4.
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56.    Saunders, N. Carbon and the elements of Group 14. Chicago, Illinois : Heinemann Library, 2003 *
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59.    Saunders, N. Oxygen and the Group 16 elements. Chicago, Il. : Heinemann Library, 2003 *
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61.    Saunders, N. Aluminum and the elements of group 13. Chicago, Il. : Heinemann Library, 2004 *
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65.    Saunders, N. Sodium and the alkali metals. Chicago : Heinemann Library, 2004 *
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