Autoritats UB


Carrà, Raffaella

Lloc i data de naixement Bolonya (Itàlia) 1943
Lloc i data de mort Roma (Itàlia) 2021
Camp d'activitat Cant
Camp d'activitat Art dramàtic
Camp d'activitat Indústria de la televisió
Ocupació Cantants
Ocupació Ballarins
Ocupació Actrius
Gènere femení
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Emprat per Pelloni, Raffaella
Font LC/NAF, consulta feta el 16 de febrer, 2022 (punt d'accés: Carrà, Raffaella; altra informació: in obituary dated July 6, 2021: Raffaella Carrà, an Italian singer, dancer and television personality who attained superstardom in her native country as well as in Spain and Latin America, died July 5 in Rome. She was 78. Raffaella Maria Roberta Pelloni was born in Bologna on June 18, 1943. Ms. Carrà acted in historical epics known as sword-and-sandal films before appearing in "Von Ryan’s Express" (1965), a World War II prisoner of war drama with Frank Sinatra and Trevor Howard. By then she had taken the stage name Carrà, from the futurist painter Carlo Carrà)
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