How to obtain and characteristics of the identifiers
- UB identifier
The UB identifier allows you to authenticate yourself in the CRAI resources and services to which you are entitled. It varies depending on the UB collective of which the user is a part of. The password must be generated by the user, except for researchers at UB research centers and hospitals who receive it together with their UB credentials. More information
PDI, PAS, researchers at UB research centers and hospitals Students UB Alumni DNI / NIE, without the letter + password Alphanumeric code + password Alumni code + Alumni password - Local identifier
The local identifier is constructed with the left section of the UB email address plus a suffix that varies depending on the UB group to which the user belongs. The password is the same as their corresponding UB intranet (MónUB, PAS / PDI, Alumni UB). More information
PDI/PAS Students UB Alumni Left section of the UB email address and no additional suffix
Identifier: joan.garcia
Left section of the UB email address + .alumnes
Identifier: jarc7.alumnes
Left section of the UB email address + .a
Identifier: imas.a
- CRAI identifier
The CRAI libraries provide this identifier directly to the user entitled to the loan service who do not have the previous codes. They must go to the circulation desk to obtain this identifier.
The password is generated by the user themself.
See the Regulation to use University of Barcelona Digital Library i el Regulations of the CRAI loan service lending service within the Regulations framework.